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Kings of Serbia

Odkrywaj nowe tereny, podbijaj sąsiadów, handluj zasobami i stwórz wielkie królestwo. Wykaż się zmysłem taktycznym w budowaniu swojej talii i podejmuj ważne strategiczne decyzje na planszy. Gra jest niezależna językowo i posiada angielską instrukcję.


259.90 129.90 PLN
(najniższa cena z 30 dni: 129.9)
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 2 do 4
wiek: od 9 lat
czas gry: od 30 do 60 min.

wydawca: Brave Giant
nr katalogowy: BVG002
projektant: Boris Ðurović

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


This game comes with a rulebook, over 200 cards, resource tokens, and exploring markers. Each player begins with a Personal deck of cards, that represents their people (workers, explorers, soldiers) and a set of Action cards. Each round players place all the cards from their hand onto their Action cards to discover new territories, conquer discovered territories, produce resources, and later sell them at a higher price.
Gold is used for adding cards to your deck, by buying new characters from the market and bringing them to your kingdom.
Character cards have symbols that signify the character's abilities. Each character can be placed on any Action card, but if the character's symbol and action card match, bonus points are granted.
Important aspect of the game is exploring and conquering territories which bring you needed resources and great abilities. What is also interesting about the game is the law of supply and demand of resources because the resource that is offered by more players has a lower price.
The game ends with the round during which a certain number of Territory piles is used up, which depends on the number of players. Then the players count their points from their Personal deck and conquered territories. The player with the most points wins.

This game has unique mechanics: the cards which you buy and with which you build your deck are also the workers you put on your action cards to activate them.

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