The King Is Dead
Gra dyplomacji osadzona w chaotycznych czasach po śmierci Króla Artura.
89.90 PLNwysyłamy w: niedostępny
Podstawowe informacje:
liczba graczy: od 2 do 4
wiek: od 12 lat
czas gry: od 30 do 50 min.
wydawca: Osprey Games (2015)
kod kreskowy: 9781472813930
projektant: Peer Sylvester
wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska
Opis w serwisie BGG
The King Is Dead is a board game of politics and power struggles set in Britain in the chaotic period following the death of King Arthur. For the good of the country, a leader must unite the Scots, Welsh, and Romano-British — not by conquest but by diplomacy.
Players are members of King Arthur's court. Whether a loyal knight, a scheming lord, or an ambitious noblewoman, you all have one thing in common: power. As prospective leaders, each player uses their power to benefit the factions, gaining influence among their ranks. The player with the greatest influence over the most powerful faction is crowned the new ruler of Britain.
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