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Sequoia (edycja angielska)

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74.90 PLN
dostępność: na zamówienie
wysyłamy w: ok. 7 - 30 dni

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Produkt na zamówienie: realizacja pod warunkiem dostępności u dostawcy.

Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 2 do 5
wiek: od 6 lat
czas gry: od 10 do 10 min.

wydawca: Allplay (2020)
nr katalogowy: BGT-SEQ
kod kreskowy: 787790402244
projektant: Chad DeShon

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


In Sequoia you are trying to grow the tallest trees in 11 different forests. After your 10 turns, if you have the tallest tree, then you get the victory points from that forest. Second place gets a small consolation prize.

Each turn, you get to grow two of your trees. Which trees you choose will determine if you win or lose. Do you keep fighting in a forest with competition, or start growing your tree somewhere else? You'll have to wrestle with the dice to grow the tree you want.

Sequoia is a game of choosing your battles.

—description from the publisher

The dice will always give you choices, but they will be hard choices.

Ties in each forest are decided by extra tie-breaker rounds that can lead to epic finishes.

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