logo przedmiotu Evacuate!


Ilu ludzi zdążysz uratować?


169.90 PLN
dostępność: na zamówienie
wysyłamy w: ok. 7 - 30 dni

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Produkt na zamówienie: realizacja pod warunkiem dostępności u dostawcy.

Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 2 do 6
wiek: od 12 lat
czas gry: od 15 do 30 min.

wydawca: Petersen Games (2021)
nr katalogowy: PTGWG6
projektant: Jeff Petersen , Tony Mastrangeli

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


Evacuate is a competitive community deck-building game where players use social deduction to outwit the other players and reach the Evacuation Transport with the most Survivors.

It’s too late! The Nomia plague has spread throughout the space station. The last Evacuation Transport beacon has been activated. There is only one escape transport left and you must lead your people from a shelter to claim it before the others get there first.

You don’t want to rush because you don’t know what is around the next corner, but you also don’t want to be at the back because the slowest always seem to get picked off. The only safe spot is in the middle of the survivors. Evacuate is a community deck-building game where players use social deduction to outwit the other players and reach the Evacuation Transport with the most Survivors.

Each round players secretly choose a movement card from their hand. Once each player is ready, all cards are revealed and players move their survivor that many spaces, and any actions are activated. Finally, a Nomia card is drawn, possibly killing survivors on the station. The game ends when the evacuation transport is drawn from the deck, and the player with the most remaining survivors wins.

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