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Anachrony: Essential Edition

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279.90 PLN
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Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 1 do 4
wiek: od 15 lat
czas gry: od 30 do 120 min.

wydawca: Mindclash Games (2020)
nr katalogowy: AN08

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


Anachrony is a medium-heavy strategy game of
worker placement, engine building and time travel,
set in a dystopian science-fiction world with a rich
In the wake of a devastating cataclysm threatening
to repeat itself, players are rival leaders uniting the
surviving humans in four ideological Paths struggling
for survival and supremacy. Thanks to
the recently discovered time travel technology,
players may borrow resources and workforce
from the future to improve their Path stronghold,
construct Buildings and Superprojects, muster
Exosuits, and prepare for the impending cataclysm.
When it eventually happens, the well-prepared Paths
can evacuate the collapsing World Capital - and
when the dust settles, they may rise to take its place.

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dodano: 2021-05-09 Science-fiction worker placement autor: Jacek Izydorski

Anachrony to rozbudowana gra euro ubrana w futurystyczny klimat ratowania mieszkańców Ziemii. I co ważne, w przeciwieństwie do większości gier euro, temat nie jest na siłę doklejony. Jest za to spójnie spasowany z mechaniką w której w sumie nie ma nic innowacyjnego) jak na przykład powtarzany na prawo i lewo system pożyczek zamieniony na podróże w czasie, czy opłacanie robotników, by mogli wykonać akcje na planszy zamieniono na aktywowanie skafandrów, w których muszą wychodzić na powierzchnię Ziemi. I tak dalej. Bardzo mi się podoba takie ubranie reguł w otoczkę klimatyczną.
Anachrony to potężna gra ekonomiczno - strategiczna z zarządzaniem robotnikami i surowcami, budowaniem silniczka z budynków na swoim tableau, w sposób częściowo określony przez cel naszej frakcji (których jest cztery i wprowadzają lekką asymetryczność).
Ogólnie polecam, choć dla niektórych może być sztucznie przerośnięta w stosunku do tego, co oferuje. Wykonanie estetyczne, eleganckie. Z interakcją nie ma szaleństwa, raczej pasjans z zajmowaniem wspólnych pól akcji na planszy, a przez to z pierwszeństwem w wyborze surowców, budynków itp. Plusem niewątpliwym edycji eesential jest dużo mniejsze (węższe czy tam niższe) pudełko. Nie ma tu za to trybu solo i modułu zagłady.
dodano: 2020-07-08 Amazing worker placement game with a great theme autor: Ozenc Erim

It's an amazing worker placement game with an unique time travel mechanic. It's basically a loan mechanism that you're taking things that you need in the current era from the future self but you have to send (pay) them to the past by the game progresses through the future eras. The cooler thing is that you can also gain points by doing that so. Time travel mechanism may be 15% of the game but adds a nice tension. There are tons of actions as well as options that you can choose so you are never frustrated and blocked by other players but you must manage your resources (workers, exo-suits, water, minerals) well if you want to do well during the game. It's a less cut-throat but more of a resource management game. There are 4 asymmetric factions/paths that each feels totally different and so well-designed bot none of them is over-powered. Everything combines pretty good with the art work which is one of the best among other boardgames. There are tons of way to get victory points and win the game however each game ends pretty close in terms of victory points between the players which shows that it's a well-balanced game. No options is more powerful and better than others. The components have highest quality whereas I definitely advise to get exo-suit miniatures. It's definitely over-production which means that you don't actually need them to play the game but they just add an amazing value and an atmosphere to the already an amazing game. One of my complaints is that there are often AP (analysis/paralysis) moments but once you learn the path asymmetry and game mechanics, the AP moments decrease significantly as this game has a big learning curve. Last thing as a warning is that if you don't like long games (2-3) hours, it's definitely not for you. Each game can take min 2 hours or more depending on player count. After all, if you like heavy euro-style engine building games, you will have a blast with the artwork, component quality and many cool mechanism once you open the box.