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Destinies: Witchwood (edycja angielska)

Rozszerzenie do gry Destinies


159.90 PLN
wysyłamy w: niedostępny

Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 1 do 3
wiek: od 14 lat
czas gry: od 90 do 150 min.

wydawca: Lucky Duck Games (2023)

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


Destinies is a competitive, story-driven, game of adventure and exploration, mixing an app and a board game.

Destinies: Witchwood is a new expansion for Destinies that adds new scenarios for players to explore. The world is filled with folklore-inspired characters, monsters, and adventures.

In each scenario, players will compete to fulfil either of their character's two possible Destinies. Players will develop their character's skills, gather items, complete quests, and uncover thousands of words of rich narrative.

In Witchwood, decisions that players make in a scenario can drastically change the world the characters find themselves in and can impact later scenarios.

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