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Durian (wersja niemiecka)

Uważaj na wściekłe goryle!


79.90 PLN
wysyłamy w: niedostępny

Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 2 do 7
wiek: od 7 lat
czas gry: od 20 do 20 min.

wydawca: Oink Games (2020)
kod kreskowy: 4571394092163
projektant: Masato Uesugi

wersja językowa: niemiecka
instrukcja: niemiecka


Today the jungle fruit shop is busy and bustling once again. The shop's clerks, having too much to do, have started helping customers without checking the new inventory that has arrived. Even though they haven't checked the inventory, surely the other staff members have checked them already. But during all the excitement they ended up taking too many orders... When that happens, if someone rings the bell the shop manager gorilla will rush out of their office. If they find out about the over-sold orders......oh, it's too scary to think about! Watch out for the 3 gorilla siblings that are hanging around waiting to cause trouble!

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