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Flotsam Fight

Zdobądź skarby zanim statek utonie!


79.90 PLN
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 2 do 6
wiek: od 8 lat
czas gry: od 30 do 30 min.

wydawca: Oink Games (2018)
kod kreskowy: 4571394090954
projektant: Tomoyuki Maruta

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


A group of explorers have sailed around the world amassing a mountain of treasure, but on the voyage home, they're hit by a massive storm! The ship and all its treasure are going down! The explorers, in an attempt to save their hard-earned treasure from sinking to the bottom of the sea, begin to feverishly load the lifeboat. You may want to save all your treasure, but the other explorers will be trying to save theirs as well. Which treasure should you load into which boat? You must plan your moves carefully!

Some cards are easier to load than others in Flotsam Fight, so you need to determine which are which to defeat your fellow explorers and save all of your treasure.

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