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A Game of Thrones LCG: The House of Black and White

Piąty chapter pack z cyklu Beyond the Narrow Sea


49.00 PLN
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Podstawowe informacje:

wydawca: Fantasy Flight Games

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


“He has faces beyond count, little one, as many faces as there are stars in the sky. In Braavos, men worship as they will… but at the end of every road stands Him of Many Faces, waiting. He will be there for you one day, do not fear. You need not rush to his embrace.”
    –The Kindly Man, A Feast for Crows

For years, during and after the war, Arya Stark recited a nightly prayer. It was a list of names. They were the people who had done the most harm to her and to her family and whom she most wished dead. For a long time, her prayers went unanswered. Her father’s northern gods failed her. The seven gods of the southrons were no help. But in Braavos, at last, Arya thought she found the god she sought, the Many-Faced God of death, the god of the House of Black and White.

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