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Twilight 2000 Black Madonna

Kampania do Twilight 2000


129.90 PLN
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

wydawca: Free League Publishing (2024)
nr katalogowy: FLFT2K010

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


The Black Madonna is The Black Madonna is a campaign expansion for the fourth edition of Twilight: 2000, based on the classic adventure with the same title for the first edition of the game. This new and updated supplement is written by the original author, Frank Frey, and Chris Keeling.
This boxed set includes new rules, new weapons, an overview of the Silesia region of Poland, new encounters, new factions for the PCs to tangle with, new scenario sites to explore, and details on the Black Madonna itself and its secrets. Contents of the boxed set:

A 72-page book with new rules and campaign material.
16 new encounter cards, for use in Silesia or elsewhere.
Six battle maps for specific locations.
Three battle maps for close quarters combat.

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22 637 21 80
606 780 836

sklep stacjonarny:
ul. Morcinka 5 lokal 25
01-496 Warszawa
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godziny pracy:
pon-pt: 11-19
sob: 11-15

16-17.08.2024 zamknięte
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