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Gods of Metal Ragnarok RPG

Podręcznik główny do Gods of Metal Ragnarok RPG


179.90 PLN
dostępność: na zamówienie
wysyłamy w: ok. 7 - 30 dni

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Produkt na zamówienie: realizacja pod warunkiem dostępności u dostawcy.

Podstawowe informacje:

wydawca: Renegade Game Studios (2023)
nr katalogowy: RGS1126

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


ave you ever imagined a world outside of your boring everyday life? Onefilled with powerful magic, epic fantasy and, sure okay, some dragons too?Have you ever found yourself sitting in your parent’s basement listening toear-bursting, wall shaking, loud music, wishing for action and excitement?Did you spend hours at the newsstand reading magazines, filled with blood,glory, and metal mayhem, wanting to live in those pages? Can you imaginea heavy metal fantasy where YOU are the hero,fighting against the endlesshorde of monsters and foes?Features:

Ragnarock is unlike any Standard Fantasy Game™. Your character lives between the world of Mundania, and the realm of Ragnarock. Rise from the endless drudgery of your everyday world and begin your adventure as a DEMIGOD! Face your destiny as you quest for glory in the name of the 6 Gods of Metal!

Form your Band, work together, and embark on face-melting, brutaladventures in an Epic Heavy Metal Fantasy world!

Featuring 6 different ‘Tones’, and 6 different ‘Positions’, with which you’ll unlock mighty Power Moves, and create epic Anthems based on theadventures you tell!

Give the powerful D4, the deadliest and most pointy of all dice, it’s timein the Godlight -as this system uses them exclusively.

Featuring eye-popping interior art that is worthy of any album cover!

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22 637 21 80
606 780 836

sklep stacjonarny:
ul. Morcinka 5 lokal 25
01-496 Warszawa
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pon-pt: 11-19
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