gry planszowe gry RPG > Cthulhu Mythos Big Sleep Act 1 The Sleeper Rising
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Cthulhu Mythos Big Sleep Act 1 The Sleeper Rising

Kampania oparta o mitologie Cthulhu


89.90 PLN
dostępność: na zamówienie
wysyłamy w: ok. 7 - 30 dni

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Produkt na zamówienie: realizacja pod warunkiem dostępności u dostawcy.

Podstawowe informacje:

wydawca: Petersen Games (2021)
nr katalogowy: PTGRPG-4-1

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


You and your fellow heroes are caught between the religious police and a cabal of hidden cultists. Recruited by the king of Axphain, you must begin to root out the cultists. You discover a network of tunnels converging on the Royal Place, which leads to high-stakes intrigue and investigation.

At the King’s masquerade ball, an eldritch horror is unleashed, and the ultimate abomination rises above the city! Yet, this is only the beginning – volume 1 of The Big Sleep – an entire campaign devoted to exploring the terrors and wonders of the Great Old One Tsathoggua – the Sleeper.

Sandy Petersen, the author of the Call of Cthulhu Role-playing game published by Chaosium, changes the tabletop world once again with Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos – a complete sourcebook for all things Lovecraftian for 5th edition fantasy. The Big Sleep is the fourth campaign saga for Sandy Petersen’s Cthulhu Mythos for 5th edition.

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