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Scum and Villainy

Nierozsądne oferty. Walki Blaster. Wielka przygoda pośród gwiazd. Witamy w świecie Scum and Villainy


139.90 PLN
wysyłamy w: niedostępny

Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 3 do 6
wiek: od 13 lat

wydawca: Evil Hat Productions
nr katalogowy: EHP0040
projektant: Stras Acimovic , John LeBoeuf-Little

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


Scum and Villainy is a Forged in the Dark game about a spaceship crew trying to make ends meet under the iron-fisted rule of the Galactic Hegemony.

Work with the members of your crew to thrive despite powerful criminal syndicates, warring noble families, dangerous aliens, and strange mystics. Explore the ruins of lost civilizations for fun and profit. Can your motley crew hold it together long enough to strike it big and insure your fame across the sector?

Scum and Villainy is a stand-alone RPG based on the Forged in the Dark game engine. In this book, you’ll find:

A clear gameplay structure that puts the focus on the criminal undertakings of the crew. A session of play consists of a job followed by recovery, downtime projects, and advancement.
Ship “character sheets” that allow for XP spends, upgrades, and leveling up alongside your characters.
Crew advancement opportunities to reflect the change from a ragtag group barely flying in the black to a reputed crew that has built a name across the sector.
Forged in the Dark tools to help keep the focus on the action of the job rather than the extensive planning needed to make it happen.
Character and ship types to help create a unique and interesting crew at light speed.

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22 637 21 80
606 780 836

sklep stacjonarny:
ul. Morcinka 5 lokal 25
01-496 Warszawa
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godziny pracy:
pon-pt: 11-19
sob: 11-15

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