gry planszowe gry RPG > Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship
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Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship

Dwustronna plansza do Starfinder RPG


74.90 PLN
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

wydawca: Paizo
nr katalogowy: PZO7304

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska


All Crew to Battle Stations!

Mega-thrusters are go! Taking adventure to the stars requires a sturdy vessel to get you there, which is why this Starfinder Flip-Mat provides you with two very different starships to pilot, explore, or raid! On one side of this deluxe, double-sided gaming map is a sleek exploratory vessel, perfect for diplomats, mercenaries, or any other groups making long forays into unknown star systems. On the other is a military dropship that doubles as an industrial freighter, providing your players with a home base, an enemy stronghold to infiltrate, or a mysterious derelict floating in the vacuum of space.

Don't waste time sketching when you could be playing. With Starfinder Flip-Mat: Starship, you're ready to meet adventure on its home turf—or burn sky and live to fight another day!

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22 637 21 80
606 780 836

sklep stacjonarny:
ul. Morcinka 5 lokal 25
01-496 Warszawa
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godziny pracy:
pon-pt: 11-19
sob: 11-15

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