gry planszowe ekonomiczne > Colt Express: Marshal and Prisoners
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Colt Express: Marshal and Prisoners

Dodatek do Colt Express


86.90 PLN
dostępność: dostępna
wysyłamy w: 24 godziny

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Podstawowe informacje:

liczba graczy: od 3 do 8
wiek: od 10 lat
czas gry: ok. 40 min.

wydawca: Asmodee (2016)
nr katalogowy: LUDCOEX03EN
kod kreskowy: 3770002176801
projektant: Christophe Raimbault

wersja językowa: angielska
instrukcja: angielska

Opis w serwisie BGG


The Colt Express: Marshal & Prisoners expansion contains three new components:

It adds another character "Mei", a martial arts lady.
The players can free prisoners from the prison wagon that is added to the end of the train.
One player can play as the marshal, who has two decks of bullet cards and three specific items.
The Marshal has got four hidden and random objectives, he must achieve it to win the game (i.e. shoot every bullet from one gun, catch a Bandit, Shoot at every Bandit, ...)
Freeing junior bandits from the prison car gains their help (i.e. a secondary ability for your character)

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